Farcycles Community Grant Fund.
Additional Important Information for Applicants
If working with children or vulnerable adults, applications are to include details of the procedures used to ensure they are kept safe from harm and how management ensures these are applied consistently. These must comply with the charity’s safeguarding policy and legislation, and any regulation specific to the activity.
In making grants to or working with other organisations we will comply with Charity Commission guidance by carrying out relevant due diligence and having a written agreement that sets out:
Our relationship
The role of each organisation
Monitoring and reporting arrangements
Health & Safety at Work Act (HASWA)
The organisation has a robust HASWA framework and management oversight, with adequate policies that are consistently applied and training that is undertaken by everyone who needs to and is up-to-date.
Details of insurances held, with a certified true copy of the insurance policy.
Property/Assets Created
Confirmation that any assets, intellectual property or other material of financial value created will not be disposed of at any point, without confirmation that any proceeds will be used for an approved charitable purpose and the prior written permission of the Farcycles trustees. In the event this is not forthcoming, the asset is to be disposed of in accordance with the trustees’ instructions.
All of the above, where applicable, should be included in the “Anything else you would like to tell us” section of the application form
Data Protection
Applicants’ data will be held in accordance with data protection legislation. It will be held securely, disclosed if subject to an access request, treated as confidential, only used for the purpose for which it has been provided and destroyed, once no longer needed.
Often those we are trying to reach are the least able to be able to research and find us and to make effective applications. Consequently, it is important to ensure that those we are seeking to reach are made aware and that the application process is kept as simple as possible.
Ways in which people can be made aware include promotion:
Via websites, such as funders, local community groups and foundations.
Social media – either groups relevant to our activity, or local town/village/community groups.
Through networks of those who come into contact with potential beneficiaries, such as relevant statutory services and charities.