Saturday rides.

Come rain or shine

Farcycles host a number of different Saturday Morning group rides at different distances and speeds. Each ride has a Ride Host and includes a mid-route coffee stop. The emphasis is on social riding as a group and exploring the beautiful area that surrounds us. The rides run throughout the year, with actual timings and routes adapting to the forecast and season.



A short ride designed to help new Riders or those who have been off the bike for while and would like a steadier lead-in.

Distance : 20 - 25 miles
Speed : 10 - 13 mph


Once riders are feeling stronger and wish to tackle a longer Blue ride, the Classic is designed to help build up your miles.

Distance : 25- 30 miles
Speed : 11 - 14 mph



The Red ride is suitable for anyone with some experience riding regularly and who wishes to take on a longer ride on a Saturday at a steady pace.

Distance : 35 - 50 miles
Speed : 14 - 16 mph



The Pink Classic is all about a longer and more challenging ride. This may be further and, on occasion, more hilly. It’s designed for more experienced riders with extended stamina.

Distance : 45 - 65 miles
Speed : 15 - 17mph


If you are a stronger rider and prefer to push the pace in a faster group, there is the Pink Tempo rider. You’ll really need cake for this one!

Distance : 45 - 65 miles
Speed : 18+ mph

New Green Ride.

Introducing a New Green Ride!

Starting on Saturday 14 April 2024 and every Saturday afterwards, we are organising a new introductory bike ride for beginners and lapsed cyclists. The ride will be marshalled by a very experienced ride leader and will take place over a short 10-15 miles. The pace will be gentle with the aim of keeping everyone together to enjoy a leisurely and social outing. No one gets left behind.  Simply turn up at 9.50am by the Old Town Hall in the Market Place, Faringdon for a 10am start. Oh yes, and there is no lycra required!

This is an ideal way to get back into cycling - please spread the word to family and friends. 

How to join us.

Sign up for our weekly Rides Newsletter

This is usually sent by Thursday each week and shows the planned routes, start time and the weekly ride hosts. Add yourself to the Weekly Rides Mailing List by subscribing here.

Contact our Ride Champions in advance

If you let one of the Ride Champions know you are coming we can arrange for someone to meet you 15 minutes before the planned start to answer any questions, explain how rides work and help you decide the best ride to join. Contact your preferred route Ride Champion .

Blue Ride Champion: Nigel Saunders
Red Ride Champion: Mike Hawkes
​Pink Ride Champion: Doug Timms

Under 18s and Safeguarding.

Please note we welcome everyone to join Farcycles rides but, please note, that our Saturday rides are not purposely designed for younger riders. If you are under 18 or the guardian of an under 18 rider and would like to ride with our Saturday rides, please visit our Safeguarding page for more information.