Group riding etiquette.
This is a frequently asked question?
It's important that when we ride in a group we are aware of other road users and prevailing traffic conditions.
British Cycling advice on group etiquette
DO ensure that you check your tyres and brakes every week
Stopping for Mechanical Problems or Other Mishaps
When problems occur it is up to the rider concerned to shout that they are intending to stop. The remainder of the group should try to stop in as safe a place as possible.
The whole group should then get bikes and bodies completely off the road.
When restarting each rider should make sure it is safe to continue.
Double White Line/Singling Out in Traffic
In situations where all riders are asked to single out (ride single file), it’s vital that all riders in the group comply.
If you have been riding in twos, the inside rider moves forward and the outside rider slots in behind.
In a large group, it can be difficult to hear instructions with the amount of traffic noise that sometimes prevails. However, when it is self-evident that the group is intending to ride in single file, everybody in the group must comply.
Turning Heads
There are a lot of riders who, when talking to their riding partner in the group, consistently turn their heads at right angles to carry on the conversation. In a group at any speed, it is extremely unsafe. Why? You are not looking where you are going. You all know the state of our roads. If the rider in front of you hits a pothole, potentially the whole group becomes involved.
Turning Right
Each individual rider should ensure it is safe to move into the centre of the road to make a right turn.
Do not just assume it is safe because the riders in front are signalling.
All riders should not crowd a junction when the group is going straight on or turning. It blocks riders’ visibility, left and right. The group will slow down or stop to allow anyone held up, to catch up.
Calling Traffic through that’s Being Slowed by the Group
This should be completely avoided – as long as the group is riding in accordance with road conditions and the rules of the road.
Because road surfaces are increasingly poor you should leave at least 2 bike lengths between each rider. This distance gives you a chance to take avoiding action should anything untoward happen in front of you.
When riding in a group there is always the possibility that the group will have to slow down for oncoming traffic or other obstacles.
The lead riders will always shout that they are slowing down. However, the length of the road occupied by the group can mean the instruction is not always heard by all riders.
Some riders’ first reaction, when faced with the group closing up together, is to brake. Please avoid this. The correct procedure is for the back brake to be applied first followed quickly by the front brake. (It`s called feathering the brakes, so you maintain some momentum and don’t come to an immediate stop)
Remember, you will probably have the rest of the group close behind you.
Front brake first will potentially lead to you heading over the front of the bike, or out to the side, affecting you and the remainder of the group.
There is also the possibility, if you have not been concentrating, that you will end up on the inside of the riders in front of you. This is an extremely unsafe manoeuvre.
To actively ride up the inside of other riders at any speed in a group situation, is extremely unsafe and should be totally avoided.
If you have a need to ride with both hands off the handlebar (changing layers, stretching back etc) then move to the back of the group first. NEVER do this within the group.
Nasal passages
If and when you feel a need to clear nasal passages etc ALWAYS move to the rear of the group so that nobody else is affected by your discharge.
Centre line of road
Do not ride on the wrong side of the road’s centre line as oncoming traffic can pose serious danger for you and your fellow riders.
Overlapping with other riders
When two riders drift into the space between the two bikes in front of them this may seem comfortable, but it is very annoying to follow vehicles who see riders 4-abreast!
Half-wheeling (where you overlap wheels with the bike in front) is extremely dangerous. Never do this.
Standing up to pedal
Before standing up on your pedals check the proximity of other riders behind you because you will lose speed with this action, and lose even more speed if you hesitate e.g. looking behind whilst standing up. This can cause real problems for following riders who will have to lose speed – and then have to catch up!
Slow Down: When you approach horses on the road, slow down well in advance. Sudden movements and loud noises can spook horses, so maintain a steady and calm pace.
Announce Your Presence: Gently ring your bell or call out to let the rider know you're approaching. This gives them time to prepare their horse for your presence.
Single File: If you're riding with others, form a single-file line. This reduces the amount of space you occupy on the road, making it easier for the horse and rider to pass you.
Give Space: As you approach the horse, move as far across the road as safety allows. Leave at least a car's width between you and the horse, giving them ample room to pass.
Speak Calmly: If the rider is visible, calmly greet them and ask if it's okay to pass. Your friendly tone can reassure both the rider and the horse.
Reduce Noise: Keep noise levels down. Avoid sudden loud sounds, music, or shouting. This helps prevent startling the horse.
Pass Slowly: Approach the horse at a slow and steady speed. Avoid any sudden movements. Maintain a controlled speed while passing.
Eye Contact: Make eye contact with the horse if possible. This can help establish trust and ease their apprehension.
Avoid Revving: If you're using a bike with a motor or an e-bike, avoid revving the engine when passing horses. The noise might spook them.
Thank the Rider: Once you've passed the horse, give a friendly wave or nod to the rider. Showing appreciation for their cooperation can help foster positive relationships between cyclists and equestrians.
Be Patient: If the horse seems nervous, wait until the rider signals that it's safe to pass. They know their horse best and can guide you on when to proceed.
No Sudden Overtaking: Don't suddenly accelerate right after passing the horse. Maintain a safe and steady pace.
Respect Signals: Some riders might use specific hand signals to indicate that it's safe to pass. Familiarize yourself with these signals and respond accordingly.
Obey Traffic Rules: Always obey traffic signals and rules while passing horses. Safety should be your top priority.
Google has many sources for advice on the Code of Conduct for Horse Riders and Cyclists
Fast downhill
Many of us enjoy fast downhill riding, and sometimes our enthusiasm can cause us to be blind to the risks, including:
Signals from riders in front often cannot be seen or heard at speed.
Riders on the front usually have a clear vision, but those behind have limited views and probably cannot see potential dangers.
When the bunch spreads across the road it becomes a danger to vehicles coming up the hill.
Pedestrians and horses can appear from both sides of the road, and on winding roads it is often impossible to stop effectively.
The sight of a large group of riders can be impressive, but it can be intimidating when approaching head-on at speed.
Road surfaces on hills can be quite variable, particularly during winter months and wet periods. One small pothole, loose grit or mud can have dire consequences.
Please ride to protect the group and to be respectful to other road users, particularly on steep, winding narrow lanes.
Mudguards are essential kit during winter months. If you are riding without mudguards then move to the back of the group so that you do not spray others with mud and water.
Lights and Visible Clothing
‘Be Seen’ lights and some Hi-Viz details make a difference to ensure other road users see you as easily as possible, particularly, during the winter months and when the sun is low and bright. Make best efforts to fit suitable lights and wear clothing making it easier for riders to be seen.